Udemy線上課程 2022 託福 (TOEFL) 閱讀破百衝刺課程 講師:Coach Jeff 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
TOEFL閱讀測驗11 種託福閱讀測驗的題型3個最常考的「句子」的題目 (Sentence Level Questions)6個最常考的「段落」的題目 (Paragraph Level Questions)2個最常考的「跨段落」的題目 (Global Relationship Questions)有別於坊間考題零散、無系統性,時常教早已考過不再出的考題,老師歷時數個月為同學們整理最精華考題,搭配託福王牌教練 Jeff的教學,讓同學們準備事半功倍、在實戰中有最好的表現!
The purpose of the TOEFL exam is to gauge a student's ability to succeed in an English-speaking learning environment. Thus, the TOEFL exam tries to mimic that environment, requiring students to complete tasks similar to those they will face in a university classroom. It's a test that focuses on skill and performance rather than on knowledge. These classes will introduce you to the most efficient ways to
Maximize your TOEFL score.
01 - Reading Introduction
001 ??2D.mp4
002 Reading Vocabulary.mp4
003 Reading Direct.mp4
004 Reading Indirect.mp4
005 Reading NOTEXCEPT.mp4
006 Reading Equivalence.mp4
007 Sentence Insertion.mp4
008 Reading Paragraph Purpose.mp4
009 Reading Paragraph Org.mp4
010 Reading Paragraph Support.mp4
011 Paragraph Relationship.mp4
012 Reading Summary.mp4
Udemy線上課程 社交媒體市場營銷教學 講師:Domatters Jeff 影音教學 中文發音 中文版(DVD版)